Sunday, January 03, 2021

Miami-Dade COVID Update 1/3/2020

Doing the reporting the Miami Herald refuses to do.

First, the Herald's headline todayFlorida reports 10,603 new COVID-19 cases as hospitalizations, positive test rate rise 

Now, let's see how this horrible news is playing out in Miami-Dade.

Panic, there are only 5,324 available hospital beds in the county! And there are only 979 ICU beds available!

Now, let's see the bigger picture, over time.

Despite all the positive tests the Herald is breathlessly touting, total COVID hospitalizations are still less than half of what they were during the July peak. 

Still, our Mayor, Daniella Levine-Cava maintains a midnight curfew on county residents. Based on what? Where's the data that COVID infections happen disproportionately after midnight? But let's not be too harsh on Ms. Mayor, she did give us an extra hour on Christmas and New Year's Eve. How magnanimous of her highness.

All data in this post is from county reports found here.

CORRECTION: The date in the first chart should read 2021.

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