This blog will only work if readers participate in the process of scrutinizing The Miami Herald, so I am asking for your input.
How can you help?
If you notice a mistake in The Miami Herald.
If you know of a controvery going on at The Miami Herald.
If you know of a conflict of interest at The Miami Herald.
If you are a Herald insider with important information.
If you are a former Herald employee with important information.
If you have been negatively affected by innaccuracies in The Herald's coverage.
Then send me an email. We can converse via email or by phone whichever you prefer. Likewise your input can be anonymous or attributed, whichever you prefer.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
I need your input
By H. Gomez, Herald Watch at
1:22 PM
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Well I'll be damned! The Miami Herald is right in the middle of the Foley cover-up just like the House Republican leadership. You all had access to Foley's e-mails last year just like Hastert.
Folks here's how Tom Feidler excuses the paper, "Our decision at the time was ... that because the language was not sexually explicit and was subject to interpretation, from innocuous to 'sick,' as the page characterized it, to be cautious," said Tom Fiedler, executive editor of the Herald. "Given the potentially devastating impact that a false suggestion of pedophilia could have on anyone, not to mention a congressman known to be gay, and lacking any corroborating information, we chose not to do a story."
Echoes of Hastert's excuses and just like the House enablers of Foley, The Herald chose to be so "cautious" (translation: concern over loss of Republican control of the House) with the story that Foley went on for another year trolling for young boys. Denny and Tommy have got to go!
P.S. When did Foley ever admit to being gay Mr. Fiedler?
An odd thing is happening when I try to link to the Miami Herald
via Mozilla
instead I get a page of what appear to be Chinese characters
Yet I run constantly update norton antivirus and spybot
If any gets something similar or knows of the cause please advise at
So much to investigate and so little time to do it. Why not start at why have the Herald properties in the City of Miami been underassessed for property taxes for years. Probably has to do with pressure put on commissioners who then put pressure on the assessor. If you just look at 2007, the Herald probably should have paid $2.6 million more in property taxes than they did. The Herald properties were assessed at only $115 million. The parcels under contract, which exclude the building on the water, are to be sold for $180 million. The properties kept were assessed at $52 million. If you use the assessed value on the properties kept plus the contract price on those sold, the assement should have been about $232 million, or more than double the assessed value used. They got this free ride for years!!!!!
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