Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Report: Herald outsourcing library/archive responsibilities

I received the following email:

Seven journalists and librarians are employed by the Herald's archives.

This email was sent company-wide from Anders Gyllenhaal on May 16th-

As you know from past notes, we've experimented with a number of outsourcing projects across the company, including the company's call center, some advertising make up, and several small projects within the newsroom. For more than a month, the company we're working with, Mindworks, based in New York and New Delhi, has been monitoring our online story comments to supplement our own work in tracking and removing inappropriate comments. This has worked fairly well and has added a new layer of review that we've struggled to provide from within. We are considering other non-news work that can be done from outside our building, such as archiving photos and text. These are difficult experiments to test and it's uncertain how successful they will be or exactly how they'd fit into how we work. But in a time when we need to stretch resources, we will be looking at a number of ways of doing things differently and will keep the newsroom posted on progress. If you have questions about any of this, please do not hesitate to ask.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

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