Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Herald Censors its company man

The Miami Herald's star sports columnist, Dan Le Batard penned a column entitled "Dolphins' Cameron unlucky to the end" about the Miami Dolphins head coach, Cam Cameron, who was recently fired. It was posted to Herald.Com on the 3rd of January and contained the following paragraph:

And you'll have a hard time finding a leader anywhere in sports who was as unlucky this year as Cameron. Six three-point losses. Zach Thomas and Trent Green and Ronnie Brown and Ricky Williams all injured in ridiculous ways so that he was eventually starting a United Nations huddle of a Mormon quarterback, Mexican receiver, Somoan fullback and some guy named Lekekekkkkerkker. And now Parcells happens to him.
Apparently Le Batard made a similar quip on ESPN's "Pardon the Interruption" where he often guest hosts. It drew some attention to the column and also complaints. The Herald promptly edited the item to read as follows:
And you'll have a hard time finding a leader anywhere in sports who was as unlucky this year as Cameron. Six three-point losses. Zach Thomas and Trent Green and Ronnie Brown and Ricky Williams all injured in ridiculous ways. And now Parcells happens to him.
The original copy would have disappeared into the ether if not for the Google cache. See image below:

Click to enlarge

Not known at this point is whether the printed edition included the Mormon, Mexican and Samoan joke. Dan should know by now that the only minority group that is fair game is the Cuban exile community. He is a company man, after all.


Anonymous said...

Actually, I'm really surprised that Le Batard was so un-PC, not to mention so unimaginative. If he'd just thought about it a bit more, I'm sure he could have worked in a perfectly acceptable swipe at the Cuban community. I mean, it's not like he doesn't have numerous role models to learn from at the Herald. Really, what a waste of resources.

Anonymous said...

If Dan Le Retard would have used a Cuban, a Muslim and a Venezuelan in is example then it would have made the final cut.